Privacy Policy you accept to abide by the terms, privacy refers to the use, collection, protection, is all about protection, use, and collection of any information collected by us?

When you choose to use, you accept to abide by the terms &conditions as well as privacy policy. You agree to disclose personal information collected and set out in this policy. If by any chance you do not agree to abide by our policy, kindly don’t use this site.

We retain the right, to modify our policy as per the needs of the business without serving you with a prior notice. In the event we chose to implement such changes, we shall post them on this website.

You are free to visit without revealing your identity or giving or revealing to us any personal information you consider private.

In some cases, we may collect and solicit for personal information including and not limited to your phone number or email address. Such information shall be supplied by you on voluntary basis through our existing online contact forms.

We are bound to comply with Canada’s enacted law including anti- spam legislation whose goal is to control and regulate CEMs (commercial Electronic messages). In this regard, we seek to implement an opt-in procedure whose goal is to request you to permit us to send you emails. In case you feel that you don’t wish to receive such emails in future, you are free to do so by unsubscribing to our email correspondence.

It is not our business to sell or rent personal information to third parties without your consent.

When you land on our website, you will come across links to other websites which in our opinion may be of use or interest to you. However, we neither endorse nor accept responsibility for privacy policies, practices and content on such websites.

The right to terminate access and use of our website lies with us. We shall not accept liability for damages of any kind, which may result from our action.